OVER the weekend, hundreds of people wore pink and put on their running shoes to raise vital funds for lifesaving research. 

The Race for Life in Southend was held in Garon Park on Sunday morning.

Echo: In memory - The Eastabrook familyIn memory - The Eastabrook family (Image: Newsquest)

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is a series of events raising money for research into all 200 types of cancer.

Echo: Group - Victoria Cooke and her team Group - Victoria Cooke and her team (Image: Newsquest)

Races are held across the country, and over the past 20 years, more than 8 million people have taken part in the Race for Life, raising over £500 million.

Echo: Amazing - Heather Harvey and her 12-year-old sonAmazing - Heather Harvey and her 12-year-old son (Image: Newsquest)

On Sunday, Garon Park was packed with people cheering on their loved ones, taking part in the five-kilometre race on what was the hottest day of the year so far.

Echo: Charity - The Pink LadiesCharity - The Pink Ladies (Image: Newsquest)

Lynn Dabbs ran with a team of 19. She said: “It went well, despite it being the hottest day of the year.

Echo: Together - Lynn Dabbs and her teamTogether - Lynn Dabbs and her team (Image: Newsquest)

“We had a team of 19 pink ladies, and doggies, and so far have raised £1,800 with donations still coming in.”

Echo: Adorable - Kelly Webb with her son OliverAdorable - Kelly Webb with her son Oliver (Image: Newsquest)

Cancer Research are yet to confirm exactly how many people took part in Southend.

Basildon is set to host their Race for Life event in Gloucester Park, on Saturday, June 15.