FRUSTRATED motorists are set to be shown more green lights on major routes across Southend as part of a £600,000 traffic-busting scheme to cut queues in the city.

Southend Council has been awarded the cash from the Government’s “green light fund” aimed at improving traffic flow across the city and upgrading traffic lights to “maximise green times”.

As part of the scheme, improvements will be made on the A127 and A13 to reduce the amount of time drivers are stuck waiting at red lights, as well as installing new technology in Progress Road and Southchurch Road.

Work will also be carried out to replace traffic light detector loops currently positioned under the road, and place them above the road to improve performance.

It is hoped the work, which will begin next month, will slash queues across the city and lead to drivers spending less time sitting at red lights unnecessarily.

Kevin Buck, councillor responsible for highways, transport, and parking, said: “I am sure we have all be sat at a red traffic light waiting for them to change, with nothing going through the junction the other way.

“This funding will go towards alleviating this which will improve traffic flows, which I hope drivers will notice.

“I look forwards to this project starting this summer and delivering improvements to our network.”

The funding is set to be spent over the next two years and work will begin in June - however the council has insisted it will be carried out without causing any major disruption.

As part of the scheme, Southend Council will also upgrade its software to better “reflect current traffic conditions” and traffic lights will change colour based on demand, rather than pre-set timings.

Mr Buck added: “The funding we have secured from central government is very welcome.

“Although we have a lot of modern and responsive traffic light systems in many locations, there are areas that we can improve further and install newer technology that will help traffic flow and performance. “This funding will also allow us to introduce above ground detection systems rather than the current loops that are cut into the road. The additional funding will enable some traffic lights that don’t currently have it, to have light phasing controlled by demand via sensing equipment rather than computerised set times.”