A FURIOUS mum has revealed her daughter missed the start of a crucial GCSE exam after a school issued her with “the wrong timetable”.

Kim Yetton has slammed St Bernard’s High School, in Milton Road, after her Year 11 daughter missed the start of her history exam and almost missed sitting her biology paper after the exams were not listed on the timetable.

The mum has been left livid by the ordeal and fears other children at the school could be unwittingly missing exams because of the error.

A spokesman for the school said it was unable to comment on individual cases however it will investigate the mother’s claims.

Ms Yetton said: “I am absolutely livid. I could cry for her. They have really let her down.

“The GCSE timetables are given to the students by the school, so you would think they are right.

“It is a stressful enough time for all year 11’s as it is, without the added pressure of nearly missing an exam.

“It is utterly unacceptable.”

The biology exam took place on May 10, but Ms Yetton’s daughter only found out the day before while her mum was on the phone to the school talking about her already heightened anxiety.

The history exam was due to be sat on May 15, but the youngster was totally unaware until the school rang her mum to say the exam was already underway.

The girl was given additional time to complete the exam, but the ordeal has left her anxious and stressed.

Ms Yetton added: “We found out about the history as the school asked me where she was. The exam had already started.

“She was granted the full allocated time, but it was incredibly stressful for her.

“The timetable she was initially given, was very different to the new and up to date version we have eventually now been given.”

A spokesman for St Bernard’s High School said: “The Governing Body takes exams very seriously and will investigate any concerns raised in respect of the same in accordance with its policies.

“We are unable to comment on specific matters for confidentiality and data protection reasons.”