A MAN and woman are set to stand trial after being accused of burglary, criminal damage and causing grievous bodily harm.

Bibi Stone and Alex Potter both appeared at Ipswich Crown Court on Friday in relation to an incident in Colchester city Centre on April 13 which left a man in hospital with stomach and head injuries.

The 38-year-old, of Tony Webb Close, Colchester, and Potter, 32, of Deck Place, Colchester deny the charges.

The two will appear together at Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday, May 29.

Defence barrister Ian Kane argued Stone should released from jail ahead of the hearing.

He said: “I have asked Stone about compliance with the bail conditions.

"She said not only would she comply with them fully, but if the court is concerned about failure to do so, she would report to a police station if necessary.

"The bail conditions would be stringent and the complainant would have the benefit of an electronic tag to ensure there was no contact with Potter directly or indirectly.”

When Stone was asked by Her Honour Judge Talbot-Hadley whether she would abide by the bail conditions, she said: “I will do anything as long as it means seeing my son.”

Stone was bailed on the condition she would not contact Potter, and was also ordered not to contact the complainant or enter St John’s Avenue.