After twice battling back from post-natal depression, a super slimmer is now sitting top of her class.

Joanne Marshall, 31, of The Orchard, Wickford, has lost four stone working with the Basildon NSC clinic, and is feeling better than ever after beating her unhealthy eating lifestyle.

After the birth of her first son ten years ago, Joanne suffered from post-natal depression which started a bad relationship with food, eating to feel better, but hating the way she looked.

When Joanne’s husband proposed, she lost four-and-a-half stone, and after getting married she fell pregnant again.

“Once the baby was born she said it was like “de ja vu”, the weight came back along with the post-natal depression.

At which point, she embarked on her NSC journey, which has seen her shrink from 15 stone to 11, while still aiming to lose more.

Joanne said: “I’ve tried every weigh loss plan out there, I should have shares in weight loss.

“The diets never worked as always had to weigh food or buy lots of branded stuff which then ended up being very expensive.

“The most important tip for weight loss is to stop obsessing about it, it can really feel like a full time job thinking about our weight every day and weighing ourselves, then looking in the mirror and beating ourselves up.

“Where you put your focus is where you get your results, start being excited about the journey of losing weight, not obsessing that the destination is too far away.”

Joanne decided to give NSC Clinics a go after seeing the effect it had on a teacher at her child’s school who looked “absolutely fab” after losing weight with them.

Since joining, Joanne says the most important thing for weight loss is to stop obsessing over it like it is a full-time job.

She said she got excited about the challenge rather than obsessing with how far away the target is and to just be happy with who you are.

Joanne added: “Decide to just be happy everyday with who you are.

“The best things about losing weight is finding myself again, as women we go through a lot of emotional trauma that has a huge effect on our minds and body and we are our harshest critics.

“So learning to like who I am again has been amazing, all of my relationships with friends and family are much better because I’m happier.”

NSC Clinic Basildon is based in Southgate House, Town Square.