A NEW group to help combat isolation amoung older people is being launched in Basildon.

Contact the Elderly is planning a tea party group, which will provide vital companionship for people aged 75 and over.

The charity aims to target loneliness with tea parties once a month on Sundays – guests are collected and driven to the venue for an afternoon of companionship and chatter.

Katy Szita, 44, development officer for the charity, said: “We help people who do not see many people very often.

“These are people who often do not family who live close by.

“We bring people together from the community whowant to help with those who are in need of somebody to sit and chat with or maybe do a jigsaw puzzle.

“There is a growing demand for this kind of charity work for a few reasons. Firstly, we have an aging population and services like these are being cut all the time.

“Also, life has changed a lot and people do not live near their families as much as people did in the past, because people are moving for work or education and as people grow older they are often left alone. Changes in community life also influence this – neighbours don’t talk to each other or know one another as they once did.”

She added that some people don’t know how to approach and help people and the Contact the Eldery charity help people who know how to help others who may be in need.

She said: “Some people feel they can’t reach out to people who need help and are uncomfortable.

We help to give people the reason to help others in need.”

The charity is in need of volunteers to help launch the group and is looking for drivers to take the older guests to the afternoon tea parties and volunteer hosts prepared to welcome the group into their homes for the parties once or twice a year.

If you would like to join or can help out contact Katy Szita on 020 8530 0494 or katy.szita@ contact-the-elderly.org.uk