Hardworking residents in Southend could get cut-price council tax...if they volunteer to be police officers.

The idea is being mooted by senior Independent councillor Mike Assenheim who wants the council’s budget amended to include a “substantial” reduction in council tax for those willing to be special constables.

And the innovative idea has got the backing of Southend’s top police officer Simon Anslow.

It comes after the force announced hefty cutbacks over the next four years, and has withdrawn its dedicated town centre team.

Financial officers are now busily looking into whether the plan could be included in the budget - but any change would need approval from the council.

Mr Assenheim, who represents Shoebury, said: “Now that Essex Police are drastically reducing their manpower, which include most of the PCSO’s, our streets and shops are becoming targets for ASB and retail crime.

“Of course, a dialogue and agreement with Essex Police would have to be established in as much as, those taking up the role as a special constable with the reduced council tax, can only be deployed in the Southend borough.”

Both Southend Council and Essex Police Crime Commissioner Nick Alston have proposed to put up council tax in 2016/17, so volunteers in Mr Assenheim’s scheme stand to benefit considerably.

Chief Insp Mr Anslow, who is district commander for Southend, said: “I think it’s a really interesting one, and I don’t know if anyone else has done it before.

“For me, if anything gets more people signing up, it would be really beneficial, and special constables have the same powers as police officers.

“Like signing up to neighbourhood watch gives you a discount on home insurance, some people might say ‘yes, this is for me’ so we will see what more detail comes out.”

There are currently 36 special constables in Southend.

He also proposed to bring back the Southend Borough Patrol, a private security firm that used to be active in the area from the Nineties until the early part of this century. However, they do not have the same police powers as special constables.

Both ideas, put down as a motion at a council scrutiny committee this Thursday, will now be debated by full council and potentially included in the 2016/17 if the majority of the authority agrees and the costings are worked out.

John Lamb, the leader of the opposition Conservative party, has his reservations, but referred it to full council for discussion.

He said: “It’s a nice idea, but we need to be careful. Are you going to say the same for police officers, firefighters, and other volunteers?

“Can we really reduce council tax for people in times of austerity?”