I am very disappointed the 25 Tory councillors have snatched power from the 26 combined Independents, Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors.

I had hoped to have a council which would have to negotiate on policies this time.

If it hadn’t have been for the obsequious Lib Dems abstaining when Tory Party leader Nigel Holdcroft resigned and in the same nanosecond put himself up for re-election, we might have experienced a real democratic council in Southend for the first time.

Now what have we got: The same old same old.

I know some Independents have tried to do their best for their constituents by negotiating with the all-powerful Tory cabinet to glean some respite in their wards.

The Tory ruling elite must be laughing out loud at the Southend residents’ attempt to make a change in the council chambers.

I can only be grateful that in my ward we have two very good Independent councillors Ann Chalk and Mike Assenheim who do their best for their constituents and have no thought police in Westminster dictating to them.

Rosie Bond
Vermeer Crescent