l My bad habits: I have no real bad habits - maybe some of the superstitions.

l My superstitions: Honestly, I have too many to mention – this is a 60 second interview.

l Closest ally: I’ve not been at the club long, but I sit next to Clarky (Michael Clark) in the changing room and shared a room with him at Truro away. And Joe Ellul, I’ve played with him at three clubs now.

l Best trainer: Ryan Sammons never complains about anything.

l Worst trainer: Michael Freiter - He’s acts like an eight-year-old who’s never seen a football before.

l Worst gear: I’ve not made a team night out yet, but Wraighty (Tom Wraight) has had about six pairs of boots this season. One pair were so ‘out there’ they got returned without even being used in a game.

l Worst haircut: Joe Ellul – he’s mid-way through about three different styles at the moment.

l Dressing room DJ: This is shared. Although I’d say my own IPod has the music to reach out to all audiences.

l Longest in front of the mirror: Lee Burns (Burnsy).

l Longest in the shower: Lukas - he has to wash his gloves.