Echo - Memorials

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Susie Kemsley

Susie KEMSLEY 21.09.1923 - 24.01.2019 Jean, Derek, Marc, Matthew, Daniel and their Families would…
Published on 15/02/2019

Bryan Austen Hurrell

HURRELL Bryan Austen Loving Husband, Father and Brother passed away suddenly on 17th December…
Published on 28/12/2018

Lucy Turner

Lucy TURNER Karen would like to thank Admiral Court, Leigh-on-Sea, for your care and support and…
Published on 03/08/2018

George Blyth

George BLYTH June wishes to thank everyone who came to George's funeral and for all the floral…
Published on 03/08/2018

Andrew Graham Deans

Andrew Graham DEANS 10.01.1922 - 10.06.2018 Ann Deans would like to send her heartfelt thanks to…
Published on 13/07/2018

Roy Eighteen

Roy EIGHTEEN October 14th 1929 - March 20th 2018 Olive and Family would like to say thank you for…
Published on 04/05/2018

Thomas 'Tom' Church

CHURCH Thomas 'Tom' 23.06.1928 - 29.01.2018 Jean, Sheree, Ralph and Theresa would like to thank…
Published on 02/03/2018

James Richard Green

James Richard GREEN 'Jim' 1933 - 2017 Gill, Young Jim and Sarah would like to express their…
Published on 12/01/2018

Thelma Pastfield

Thelma PASTFIELD Ann and family would like to thank all those who attended Thelma's funeral and…
Published on 08/09/2017

Stuart John Rodgers

Stuart John RODGERS Pam & Will would like to thank everyone who attended Stuarts's funeral and for…
Published on 23/08/2017

Robert Scott

Robert SCOTT 23.06.1924 - 24.04.2017 Kathleen Scott would like to thank family and friends for…
Published on 28/07/2017

Sylvia and Martin Smith

Sylvia and Martin Would like to thank everyone who came to say goodbye to Neil and celebrated his…
Published on 26/07/2017