A BURGLAR left a girl with special needs heartbroken after they stole her most prized possessions.

Georgia Kent-Smith’s iPod and Wii were taken when the thieves ransacked her home in Broomfields, Basildon – while her family were taking her to the doctors.

The 13-year-old, who has a severe form of epilepsy and underwent brain surgery in February, has been left tooFebruary, has been left too scared to stay in her own room after the break-in.
Her mum Nicola Smith, 39, said: “I think they are just low, it makes me sad to be honest.
We don’t have a lot and we spend an awful lot of time in Great Ormond Street Hospital.
“If they wanted something, they should have got a job and earnt some money rather than do that to people, it is just not fair.
“Every time I put the key in the front door, I am just wondering what I will find on the other side of door.

"Georgia is heartbroken, she said ‘why would someone do that to me’.”
Miss Smith said Georgia had taken it all very personally.
She added: “Her most treasured possessions in the world were taken.

"She just wants her iPod with her songs.
“She is 13 and she sings all the time. She had brain surgery earlier this year and all she wants to do is sing, that is all she does.

"When she is singing everything seems better in her world.
“You just fear they will come back, even though you know they will not.

"We even considered moving as we don’t feel safe in our own home.

"We have said we will decorate the room and move it all round to make it hers again.”
Georgia, who suffers up to 15 seizures per day, had about 100 songs on her iPod, including
many Glee soundtracks and music by American group Big Time Rush who she met through the Make a Wish Foundation.
Two laptop computers were also taken.
Anyone with information about the burglarywhich took place last Tuesday between 11.15am and 12.20pm is asked to call PC Mackenzie at
Basildon police station on 101 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.