A CAR wash worker may have to have his leg amputated after being crushed by a Range Rover he was cleaning on his first day at work. CCTV footage seen by the Echo, but too horrific for publication, shows the moment the Range Rover lurched forward at Leigh Car Wash, in the Broadway, pinning George Moise to the BMW in front. Surgeons at the Royal London Hospital spent seven hours trying to piece together Mr Moise’s right leg, which is shattered in at least two places. A second worker, Peter Bilek, who was also cleaning the front of the silver 4x4, managed to jump out the way of the Range Rover, but still suffered injuries to his head, back and elbow and was taken to Southend Hospital. Car wash owner Qazim Zyberi said: “I can’t believe he didn’t die. I can’t believe how lucky he is. “When I saw the CCTV footage, I was terrified. “I have seen a lot in my life and when I saw the pictures, I was really sad.” At first, Mr Moise, 27, who is married with a young child, was treated at Southend Hospital, before being rushed to the major trauma unit in Whitechapel. Doctors predict he will take at least a year to recover from the incident. Manager Daniel Buta, who had walked between the cars seconds before the crash, said: “I saw the car crash and saw George on the floor and I went to him and said not to move his leg. “He was screaming and shouting. Everyone on the Broadway will have heard him.” Mr Zyberi, who rushed back from holiday in Croatia as soon as he heard about the crash, said: “It was his first day at work and I’ve never met him. “Now I’m going to meet my worker in hospital. “Hopefully they won’t cut his leg off and he will be able to walk. “We hope his family and his kid will have a healthy dad.” The car wash, which has suffered no other problems since opening 11 years ago, was closed for about five hours after the incident, at about 9.35am on Monday. The driver was in the Range Rover, an automatic, when it jumped five feet forward into the back of the grey BMW. The Health and Safety Executive is investigating the incident. Mr Zyberi issued a plea to other motorists using the car wash. He said: “Don’t leave your car in drive and rely on your foot brake. Put it in park and put the hand brake on. “And businesses should make sure they have public liability insurance.” A Police spokesman said: “Police were contacted shortly after 10.30am on Broadway, in Leigh, after reports of an accident at the car wash. Officers attended and found an industrial accident had taken place. “A car had struck a male worker at the car wash, who had collided with another car. The man sustained a broken leg and was taken to Southend General Hospital. Police transferred this to the Health and Safety Executive and there was no further police action. The road remained open.”