Regarding the previous letter (April 24) in respect of the affordable housing planning application being rejected by Southend Council.

I would just like to comment as one of those terrible Nimbys who objected!

Southend Council quite rightly rejected this plan as it is a massive over-development.

Currently the buildings in Olive Avenue house 20 flats for 40 people. What the developer is proposing is 30 flats and three houses for 98 people. That is why people objected.

No, we don't want 98 people in an area really only sufficient for 40.

Affordable housing has nothing to do with it. The existing area is currently affordable housing and no one has objected to that.

Perhaps Denis Garne's energies would be better spent speaking to the developer who has put in the application to renovate the current properties so they can be used for affordable housing.

This is the same developer who has left these properties to run to such a state of disrepair they are virtually unusable.

If they really cared so much wouldn't they have done something by now?

Alison Roberts
Olive Avenue