UNSUNG heroes of south Essex continue to be saluted by readers, who have sent fresh nominations for the Echo’s Community Heroes Awards.

We have launched a drive to find those who have done their bit to help the community, who will be presented prizes in a ceremony at the Grovesnor Casino, Southend.

Since then, hundreds of carers, fundraisers, campaigners and more have been flagged up by readers, honouring their hard work.

Good samaritans from Basildon have this week been put forward for the award.

Sue Tullet volunteers for Helping Hands at the Diamond Club in Basildon and the Lee Chapel North Foodbank.

She was nominated for her dedication to others by friend Janice Ball, of Somercotes Court, Basildon.

Janice said: ”She is a bubbly person who dedicated her life to looking after her 92-year-old mum who has dementia.

“Also, she has brought up a family, has arthritis in her legs and is also a volunteer.

“She’s a good friend and dedicated to what she does.”

“Invaluable” Carla Andrews, who runs Walk 4 Wellbeing, a free-to-attend community walk in Basildon, was nominated for giving a resident a “new lease of life.”

When Angela Smith moved from the north of England to Brundish, Basildon, she suffered low moods, and didn’t know a soul.

But after Carla sent her a link to a weekly motivational walk around Northlands Park, her life began to change.

Mrs Smith said: “Things were hard. I didn’t know where to turn and not knowing anybody here just made it harder.

“Then Carla sent me a link to the walk and it allowed me to meet a few other people, and this really helped my depression.

"Carla is an amazing person who gives up her time to encourage people - young or old – to get fit and make new friends.

“She is invaluable to the community and has given me a new lease of life.”

Nine categories will crown the best parents, carers, charities and even pets of the year.

And whether it’s a brilliant mum, a dad-in-a-million, a tireless volunteer or an inspiring teacher, we want to say thank you.