A SOUTH Essex animal lover is currently caring for 2,000 tortoises in his back garden.

Rick Wilton, 52, has been breeding tortoises since he was a teenager and is now one of the biggest tortoise breeders in the UK.

Rick’s passion for animals started as a young boy during which time his parents owned a pet shop that sold various exotic animals, including tarantulas and snakes.

He currently has more than 800 adult tortoises living in the facility he owns in his garden, where last year there were around 2,000 hatchlings.

Rick is now hoping that he can be producing up to 5,000 tortoises each year by 2020.

Once they are of age, Rick sells the tortoises to pet store retailers, receiving £95 for each one.

He has however managed to sell rarer species such as the Indian stars for £300.

He said: “People call me the tortoise king.”

“‘In the UK we only have short summers compared to southern Europe so these contraptions help them in spring and autumn to keep active and feeding well.

“They are wonderful little things with real character.”

As well as the tortoises, Rick also cares for a number of other animals, including rheas, one of which is called Maria.

“I raised her from a few weeks old when she was abandoned by her mother. She’s now the official office pet,” the self-made businessman explained.

“There are also spiders and snakes sneaking around the site to keep visitors on their toes.”

Rick lives with his wife and is a father-of-two. Fortunately they all help out with the tortoise business.

His special enclosures in his back garden consists of heaters and UVB lighting.

The facility also consists of boot wash areas in order to avoid contamination and fridges to help the unborn eggs.

Rick went on to say how much time and effort went into building the facility but that it has paid off as there were previously many fatalities.

There was also an issue with some tortoises escaping and other being harmed by wildlife.

Rick plans to launch a new website soon, outlining what care is needed for tortoises.