In an article in the Echo on Monday February 18, I saw that Basildon Councilwas fined £133,000 for their failure to ensure a wall adjacent to a footpath was safe.

Of course no one can question the reasonableness of a fine being levied on culpable people, but who will pay this fine?

Certainly not the council employees who failed to carry out their jobs and certainly not councillors responsible for the policy.

They will continue to take their inflated “allowances” without a blush. So who does that leave? Of course the rate payers of the borough.

So I, through my ever increasing rates, am forced to pay my share of this fine whilst I have no responsibility for the failure of employees to do the job for which I also, in part, am paying their wages .

What is even worse is that the parents of the girl injured will, through their rates, also have to pay their share of the punishment fine.

Where is the fairness or justice in this? Surely the person or persons responsible should meet the expenditure.

Nurses and doctors have to carry insurance to meet any failure of their implied duty. Does the council not insure the actions of their staff in a similar way?

In total the bill to the council, including the costs awarded, were over £154.000. Why on earth should I have to meet any of that cost?

It does not end there. Unless the council carries enough insurance to cover the costs of any damages awarded to the injured child, that cost will also fall on the ratepayers of the borough.

Perhaps one of the councillors would care to explain to me just why I am being “fined” for their failure to make sure that employees carry out their duties satisfactorily.

Victor T York

Buller Road
