A HOUSE which is believed to have once been home to wartime singer Dame Vera Lynn could be converted into a block of flats.

Plans have been submitted to convert 135 Marine Parade, Leigh into six flats.


Forces sweetheart - Dame Vera Lynn

Officers at Southend Council have recommended the plans are refused when they go in front of the development committee amid claims the designs are unsuitable and the application is for too many flats considering the space available.

It is believed the property was once home to the Forces sweetheart. A bid for seven flats was refused earlier this year.

The council report, following the application, states: “The proposed development, by reason of its excessive scale, footprint, mass, siting, unresolved design and materials, is considered to have a detrimental impact on the grain, character and appearance of the area and would be an incongruous addition to the street scene.

“The proposal has also failed to comply with the nationally descripted space standards or provide an acceptable standard of private amenity space for the future residents.

“In this instance the public benefits of the development do not outweigh the harm caused as the scale of the development is such that it would have a limited effect on the overall supply of housing.”

The first set of plans received 40 complaints.