THE Deanes School has been passionately defended after inspectors claimed it requires improvement.

The school has been making great strides and all involved are united in continuing the improvements, according to the Challenger Multi Academy Trust which has taken on running the school in Daws Heath Road, Thundersley.

Chief Executive Stephen Chamberlain drew on some of the positives in the report out this week from the education watchdog while also praising parents for their support.

He said: “In the last three years we have set about improving key areas of the school in relation to ensuring good behaviour and excellent personal development in a school where mobility is high and the inclusive nature of the leadership means that a significant number of children with barriers to learning successfully attend The Deanes.

“The parental view of the school is overwhelmingly positive. Where pupil numbers were declining in the past we are now full and over subscribed in Year Seven and are likely to be again next year.

“A new ‘state of the art’ science and art building is about to be opened at the site.”

Science and mathematics were two areas highlighted where the school needed to make improvements, according to inspectors.

However they also highlighted progress made.

The report stated: “Leaders are successful in caring for the wellbeing of staff.

“Leaders make sure staff maintain a work-life balance. Staff say that they appreciate, for example, leaders’ insistence on no emails being sent after 6pm.

“This is a friendly place to go to school. Pupils are well behaved. They listen to their teachers and get on well with each other in their free time. Pupils told us that it is fine to be different. They said that bullying is unusual and, if it does happen, adults deal with it well.

“Pupils’ good behaviour and attitudes help them to achieve. Pupils listen well in lessons and are quick to respond to teachers’ instructions.”

The school is hoping for a good rating at its next inspection.