Bill Harkness of Delaware Estates, currently revamping the Victoria Shopping Centre, is not the only one who feels let down by Southend Council's blind acceptance of the over-development of a lovely piece of countryside (Oct 31).

Take a look at this early morning autumn scene (right) and make the most of it, because this area could soon be obliterated and crammed with a "super" new football stadium, hotel, luxury flats and of course obligatory retail outlets.

OK, progress is progress, but what a shame it is - with so many new homes and people in the area - that our council couldn't find in themselves to allow the north of the town some breathing space - a new country park maybe, affording lovely views over the River Roach and valley.

It would have been a legacy for generations to come, rather than more cheap construction, acres of paving and profits for the developer, that will in all probability, be ripped up in 50 years.

Thank heaven the Jones family members were a little more farsighted and bequeathed acres of parkland to the town many years ago - for us all to enjoy.

Colin Hunt
Sutton Road