High tides for Monday November 12 are at: 0026 and 1244
High tides for Tuesday November 13 are at: 0053 and 1317
High tides for Wednesday November 14 are at: 0126 and 1355
High tides for Thursday November 15 are at: 0204 and 1435
High tides for Friday November 16 are at: 0245 and 1523
High tides for Saturday November 17 are at: 0333 and 1619
High tides for Sunday November18 are at: 0432 and 1726

(All times are GMT - add one hour for British Summer Time)

To calculate other high tides in Essex and on the Thames:
Walton on the Naze - subtract seven minutes
Bradwell - add 21 minutes
Southend - add 50 minutes
Tilbury - add 1 hour, 15 minutes
London Bridge - add 2 hours, 10 minutes

All information courtesy of Harwich Haven Authority: www.hha.co.uk