Thank you for staying home and saving lives.

The last few weeks have been challenging for everyone.

Whether you are a key worker, or staying at home juggling work, childcare and home-schooling, I want to thank every single person who is complying with the current restrictions and social distancing guidelines. You really are helping to protect our NHS and save lives.

We only need to look at how much traffic has reduced on our roads to know that the majority of people across Essex understand the importance of the current restrictions, are only making trips for essentials like food or medicine and are exercising close to home.

Inevitably there have been some who think that these rules do not apply to them.

I have a stark message for you if you are one of the minority. Coronavirus is a killer. By ignoring the restrictions you risk your own life, and those of others.

I understand that the current curbs on normal life are hard for many.

Not being able to see family members and friends is especially challenging, even more so during religious holidays and celebrations and while the sun is shining.

Whilst we want you to enjoy this long weekend, I want to ask residents - please - to continue to follow the Government’s guidance.

Please do not meet with friends and family. Please do not travel unnecessarily to beaches, beauty spots or country parks. Not following this guidance, even for a day, could have serious implications and lead to much stricter restrictions being put in place.

As well as Easter, in the coming days and weeks there are also a number of other religious holidays taking place. On Wednesday, for instance, was the start of the Jewish holiday of Passover.

I would ask all our friends in the Jewish community to follow the social distancing advice and guidance from faith leaders, which means staying at home and not going on outings.

Leading faith organisations have produced some excellent advice on ways to pray and observe at home and we are working closely with faith leaders across Essex to share useful advice.

Staying home need not be a bore. If you have children, our friends at Explore Essex are holding a Virtual Easter Egg Hunt to share some Easter cheer. It’s very easy to get involved and join in. You can download a template from their website and get started straight away.

I would like to thank the people of Essex for persevering through this difficult time. I wish you all a peaceful and happy Easter weekend.