ECHO readers have backed the prospect of Southend having a stretch of beach dedicated to dogs.

The debate over whether dogs should be allowed on beaches has been raging for years, leading to Westcliff resident and dog owner Stephen Cummins launching the Southend Dog Friendly Beach campaign.

He wants a section of the seven miles of beach in the borough to be allowed dogs on it throughout the year.

As things stand, dogs are not allowed on any of the borough’s beaches between May 1 and September 30 each year.

But, following a poll on the Echo website, 64 per cent of readers declared they feel Southend should have a stretch of beach dedicated to dogs.

Mr Cummins’ proposal has the full backing of Rebecca Knowles.

She said: “I really don’t understand why people are still complaining about the idea of dogs using a section of the beach all year round.

“It’s a brilliant idea and it’s not uncommon for dogs to be on beaches.

“If you don’t like dogs, don’t go to that section and if you’re worried about the dog poo then don’t sit on that part of the beach.”


Mr Cummins, 49, believes dog owners should be allowed somewhere for a swim in the sea.

Amanda Barlow feels allowing dogs to have a stretch of beach is a creditable proposition, but has concerns over whether dog owners will make sure the sand is not littered.

She said: “I think dogs should have a stretch of beach all year round, but it would need to be well thought out.

“Everyday I see dog faeces in the street and while walking in the woods.

“Yes, there are many responsible owners, but more than just a few are not.

“The sand will be littered with poo that people have concealed with a top layer of sand.

“It would need to be cleaned and monitored, so it may need to involve a usage fee.”

James Duddridge, MP for Rochford and Southend East, has previously called for dogs to be allowed on Southend’s beaches all year round, handing a 750 signature-strong petition to Southend Council in January.

But Amanda-Jane Misselbrook, who owns three dogs, does not support Mr Cummins’ campaign.

She said: “Too many can’t clean up after their dogs at parks, in the streets or the time of year dogs are allowed on the beach. It spoils it for the rest of us because the owners can’t be trusted. Dog urine and poo can be dangerous.

“It also angers me when dogs wee up my daughter’s wheelchair on the beach. It’s asking for trouble and we all know they won’t keep to the selected area.”