Scammers are now sending vaccination emails out to vulnerable people in a bid to trick them into giving up personal information and bank details.

Both police in Castle Point and Essex Trading Standards have issued warnings about the latest con being used.

Crooks are asking people to click on a link in the email to confirm they will take up the offer of having the vaccine.

The email says the recipients are ‘required’ to reply to the email or accept/ refuse the invitation within 12 hours.

The latest scam comes less than a week after conmen sent texts out to people to trick them into paying for a Covid vaccine.


A spokesman for police in Castle Point said: “Following on from the previous alert regarding vaccination text messages, there is a new fraudulent vaccination email being circulated.

“Again, this looks very convincing and could easily be mistaken for a genuine NHS email.

“Do not click the link as it takes the recipient to a malicious website that steals personal details.

“These details are then used by the criminals to access other personal accounts.”

Echo: An example of the scam email being sent outAn example of the scam email being sent out

Essex Trading Standards has reminded people the Covid vaccine is free and no payment is required.

It added: “Beware of this fake Covid-19 vaccination email.

“It purports to be from the NHS, inviting you for your vaccination.

“We can confirm it is a scam and the links take you to a website that asks for financial details to pay for the vaccine.”

Anyone who has received the scame email should forward it to the National Cyber Security Centre's Suspicious Email Reporting Service at Report@Phishing.Gov.UK.