West Leigh Infants has become the latest school in Southend to stop motorists driving down nearby roads at the start and end of the day.

It forms part of a Schools Street scheme which is aimed at making roads around schools both safer and healthier.

The scheme is being funded through the Department for Transport (DfT) Emergency Active Travel Funding and has also been adopted by Greenways School and Leigh North Street.

It essentially sees roads near to the schools shut to all traffic except residents and school staff at drop off and pick up times.

Southend Council trained school staff – known as School Street Marshals – set up and remove the School Street barriers each morning and afternoon.

As well as making it safer for pedestrians, bosses also say the scheme will help to reduce carbon emissions being omitted from motor and promote other active methods of transport to and from schools.

West Leigh Infants’ headteacher, Yolande Sayer, says her school mainly signed up to the scheme to stop the motorists causing panic among parents.

She said: “The project has been delayed by Covid, we signed up in September.

“There have been no crashes, but we get a few inconsiderate drivers.

“We signed up to remove those safety fears. The feedback from parents has been brilliant already.”

The concept could be used at further schools in Southend, while Essex County Council is also trailing the initiative in towns across the county.

We asked Echo readers for their views on the idea and whether they thought it should be rolled out across south Essex schools – where possible.

There was a mixed reaction among readers, with some suggesting a reduction in speed limits outside schools would be a better idea.

Here’s what some readers who were opposed to the scheme had to say: Sam Wootton said: “As a lollypop lady, I think this is a stupid idea, but I do believe all roads outside schools should either have working speed cameras or speed bumps.

“The amount of times I have had the police out, because I have nearly been run over is stupid.”

Jo-Jo Wrennie said: “Every none driver will say yes but could you imagine the impact on major traffic routes bad idea. Also that’s the lollipop person out of a job - just drop them routes to 20mph.”

Andrea Louise Jarman said: “My business has a school either end of the road.

“This would be chaos not to mention loss of business. Stupid idea.”

Rachael Taylor added: “As a teacher I think something has to be done. I think primary schools are not set up for the amount of traffic and the days of walking to school is over most parents drive now.

“It just moves the problem to adjacent roads. Maybe this is a bad idea but something has definitely got to be done.”

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Others were more in favour of the scheme and were keen to see it rolled out across south Essex.

Cassie Johnson said: “Our school is on a dead end road, the amount of parents driving down and trying to turn round, it's so dangerous, the school have repeatedly asked parents not to drive down but they still do so i'd welcome it being closed.”

Yvonne Argent said: “If it encourages parents to walk their children to school and not block everywhere up - then yes.

“At Felmores parents are parking on and around the busy roundabout – it’s stupidity!”

Gill Gilbert said: “Nobody except emergency services should be able to park near schools all parent and children should walk to school.

“Obviously out of area should supply coach or bus facilities.”

Fred Dorward added: “It could solve the parking problem providing it doesn't move the problem elsewhere.”