FURIOUS residents have slammed Southend Council over plans to ban them parking outside their own homes.

Southend Council is set to impose double yellow lines outside the Mulberry Gate block of flats at the junction of Thorpe Hall Avenue and Acacia Drive in Thorpe Bay.

Residents say there is not enough space in a private car park but Southend Council insist safety is the priority.

Frank Turvey, 76, said: “They have not consulted with us about it at all.

“They are just doing whatever they want to do.

“We can’t park outside our flats but we can park on the other side of the road and the grass verge that runs down the middle of the road.

“It just doesn’t make any sense, there are no issues with blocking the view of the road.

“We’ve been told it’s to do with safety, but we’ve had about one crash here in the last three years.”

Mr Turvey and his wife each own a car, as do many of the families in the tower block, sparking fears there is not enough space.

He blasted the plans as “stupid and illogical”, insisting other residents are frustrated.

Mr Turvey added: “It’s going to be totally inconvenient as we have to park away from our home.

“I’ve asked the council where we are meant to park and was told it was not the council’s problem.”

Council bosses say safety is a top priority and that the proposed plans were publicised prior to any decision being made.

Steve Moore, executive director of neighbourhoods and environment, said: “The proposed installation of ‘no waiting at any time’ double yellow lines to protect the junction on Acacia Drive and Thorpe Hall Avenue was advertised through the press and official notices were displayed at appropriate locations informing residents and businesses of the proposals and inviting them to make representations to the committee in February.

“A total of four objections were received in relation to these proposals.

“On consideration the committee decided to proceed with the proposals as advertised on the grounds of highway safety and visibility.

“Safety is the key objective.”