A SHELL-SHOCKED tortoise has been relieved from the pain and embarrassment of a troublesome condition.

The poor pet was suffering from a huge bladder stone and was left pushing and straining to pass it.

Exotics pet expert, Daniel Calvo Carrasco, from Southfields Veterinary Specialist in Laindon, saved the day by solving the particularly painful problem.

Daniel explained: "Radiographs revealed the 17-year-old male tortoise had an extremely large bladder stone, caused by a very large accumulation of uric acid.

“It was so large he could not pass it but he had clearly been straining very hard."

Luckily for the suffering pet, Daniel was able to use his worldwide experience to solve the issue.

Daniel cut a square access hole into the tortoise's shell and then operated to open the bladder and remove the stone.

Daniel added: "Everything went extremely well. The stone was removed and happily all is now back to normal and he’s doing very well.

“To ensure there’s no repetition of the problems he’s currently on some medication to help reduce the uric acid levels in his body, which was the original cause of all his distress and discomfort.”