If you’re working hard but failing to reach your goals, then it’s likely you need to work on your time management. These tips will help you get back on track.  

#1 Use to-do lists 

It sounds so simple but making a to-do list will help you avoid wasting time trying to remember what it is you need to do next and will stop you from losing track of important tasks.

#2 Decide on what your priorities are 

Once you have a list of everything you need to do, you should break this down into priorities. This will stop you from wasting time on tasks that can wait until a later date.

#3 Try to estimate how long each task will take 

Sometimes what feels like a 5-minute task can end up eating into a big chunk of your time. Try to avoid getting lost down the rabbit hole by properly thinking about how long it will take.

#4 Avoid multitasking where possible 

Multitasking sounds like a great way to get things done fast but in practice, it doesn’t really pan out. In reality, it’s just switching between tasks quickly and this can drain your focus, motivation and energy. Instead, allocate a set amount of time, say between 20 minutes to an hour, to work on one thing before switching to another. 

#5 Try not to procrastinate 

We tend to procrastinate when we want to avoid doing something that seems like a big task. You might innocently pop onto social media for a few minutes as a treat before you get started but if you’re not careful it can end up sucking up a lot of your valuable time.