Ofsted inspects and rates all state schools across England to judge the quality of education pupils are receiving.

According to the latest ratings, 18 schools in south Essex have been rated as 'outstanding'.

Read more >> The 26 schools in Essex rated 'inadequate' or 'requires improvement' by Ofsted

Here is a list of all the schools that have been given the rating.

Barons Court Primary School and Nursery

The school and nursey was rated outstanding across the board at its last inspection in 2017. A monitoring visit took place during the pandemic but inspectors did not grade the school. 

The report said: "Leadership of the early years is inspirational. As a result, children get off to a flying start in the Nursery. They are very well prepared for the Reception Year, key stage 1 and beyond.

"Pupils’ attitudes to their learning and behaviour are outstanding. They try hard, persevere and enjoy their learning. They are very thoughtful and caring to each other."

Southend High School for Boys

The school was rated outstanding across the board at its last inspection in 2014.

The report said: "An ethos of excellence in both academic achievement and a wide range of activities permeates all aspects of the school. High quality music wafted into the inspection base room as students practised the pipe organ and piano.

"The school contributes very successfully to art exhibitions, business competitions and international sporting challenges.

"The curriculum is very broad and prepares students exceptionally well and in a variety of ways, for their adult lives."

Southend High School for Girls

The school was rated outstanding across the board at its last inspection in 2011.

The report said: "All aspects of the school’s work are excellent and the great majority of parents, carers and students are extremely pleased with the quality of education and the care, guidance and support it provides. 

"Attainment is high and especially so in English. Students are extremely articulate and write with a high level of maturity and sophistication. While performance in mathematics in recent examinations was high, it was slightly below that of English."

Blenheim Primary School

The primary school was rated outstanding at an inspection in January 2020. 

The report said: "Staff contribute strongly to the shared vision for pupils to be ‘the best you can be’. Pupils benefit from a consistently high standard of education across the curriculum throughout their time at school. The school is highly inclusive.

"Pupils have someone in school to talk to if they are worried about something. There is not much bullying. Pupils are confident that, if it does happen, staff will deal with it well."

The St Christopher School

The school was found to continue to be outstanding during a 'short inspection' in 2017. 

The report said: "The leadership team has maintained and further improved the outstanding quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Your focused approach to making the school even better was apparent from the outset of the inspection.

"You are unwavering in your determination for all pupils to unlock their full potential and succeed. Leaders are excellent role models, with very high expectations."

The Eastwood Academy

The primary school was rated outstanding across the board in 2018. 

The report said: "Leaders at all levels are very skilled. They know what they do well, but they concentrate their energies on what they could still do better. Consequently, the capacity of leaders to continue to improve the school is high.

"The quality of teaching is outstanding. Teachers’ subject knowledge is very strong, they question pupils effectively and they plan activities that are suitably challenging."

Grove Wood Primary School

It was rated outstanding back in 2017. 

The report said: "All leaders, including governors, are effective in their roles. They provide clear, strategic direction and, as a result, Grove Wood provides an outstanding education for all children and pupils.

"Leaders have developed an exciting and innovative curriculum which enables pupils to flourish and thrive. They are taught valuable life skills, preparing them well for secondary education."

Westwood Academy

The school was rated outstanding back in 2017. 

The report said: "The leadership of the school is exceptionally strong. The headteacher and deputy headteacher, ably supported by subject leaders, successfully drive a shared ambition for all pupils to be the best they can be.

"The proportion of children who achieve a good level of development at the end of the early years is consistently above the national average. The children make excellent progress from their starting points."

Canvey Junior School

The school was found to be outstanding back in 2010. A monitoring inpsection took place in 2019 but no new grade was issued. 

The report said: "Through their skilful leadership, senior leaders have ensured that the school continues to provide a high quality of education for all pupils. You set the highest expectations of how pupils should behave and what they can achieve.

"Pupils and teachers respond exceptionally well to these high expectations. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. Your thorough improvement plans are underpinned by actions based upon your accurate self-evaluation."

Glenwood School

The school was found to continue to be outstanding in 2018. 

The report said: "Pupils are engaged and enthusiastic about all aspects of their learning. They are proud of their achievements and are keen to share them.

"Leaders are candid about the challenges that pupils and their families face. You ensure that they develop the ability to manage these challenges, and this is at the heart of the school’s work. You and your leadership team have maintained a culture of high standards."

Beauchamps High School

The school revieved its outstanding rating following an inspection back in 2014. 

The report said: "Teaching is outstanding. Teachers know their subjects extremely well and help students to gain knowledge quickly and then use it skilfully and confidently in all their work.

"Students are given very demanding targets. Teachers carefully check their progress towards these targets and provide highly effective support to help them achieve their best."

The Wickford Church of England School

The school was rated outstanding in 2013. 

The report said: "Pupils become fully absorbed with their learning, listen to their teachers and complete work cooperatively for extended periods. Their attitudes have an extremely positive effect on the progress they make.

"The range of subjects that is taught and clubs is extremely wide and varied. Activities include such opportunities as golf, netball, gardening, dance, art and football."

Greensted Junior School

The school was rated outstanding back in 2016. 

The report said: "All pupils make substantial and sustained progress, including pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The most able pupils achieve particularly well because they are stretched by the challenging curriculum and by teachers’ high expectations.

"Pupils’ excellent attitudes and exemplary behaviour have a strong positive impact on their progress and achievement. They are self-assured learners who are proud of their achievements and of their school."

The Pioneer School

The primary school was rated outstanding across the board in 2019. 

The report said: "Pupils make substantial progress, personally and academically, across the full curriculum during their time at the school. This is because of the highquality teaching they receive.

"Pupils enjoy their learning a great deal. They are very settled in a consistent and high-quality learning environment. Pupils benefit from exceptional opportunities and experiences for their personal development."

The Phoenix Primary School

The school was found to be outstanding back in 2019. 

The report said: "Behaviour is exceptional. Pupils respond very well to the expectations of them. They thrive on the multiple rewards given out for good behaviour and positive attitudes.

"Pupils’ enjoyment of school is shown in their regular attendance. They enthuse about the range of after-school clubs, trips and activities provided for them."

Great Berry Primary School

The school was first rated outstanding back in 2012. Ofsted carried out a remote visit during the pandemic. 

The report said: "Teachers are very effective in the way they set clear and achievable learning outcomes in lessons that enable pupils to evaluate their progress. Marking to show pupils how they can improve is exemplary in Years 5 and 6 where pupils work with the teacher to continuously review and improve their work. It is still developing in other years.

"Pupils enjoy being at school and are fully engaged in their learning, reflected in the high levels of attendance and excellent behaviour in lessons. The positive school ethos ensures pupils feel safe and very well supported."

Quilters Infant School

The school was rated outstanding back in 2018. 

The report said: "Pupils achieve extremely well in English, mathematics and a wide range of other subjects. The proportion of pupils that reach the expected standards in Year 2 is much higher than the national average.

"Safeguarding is effective. Leaders have ensured that staff are vigilant and that appropriate procedures are in place to deal with child protection concerns when they arise."

Quilters Junior School

The school received its outstanding rating back in 2017. 

The report said: "Teachers’ excellent subject knowledge is a key contributory factor in raising standards. Teaching is managed extremely well. Teachers feel valued and go out of their way to provide activities of a very high quality.

"Pupils make rapid and sustained progress in this school in all four year groups, and across a wide range of subjects."