A MOTORIST told police they were speeding in Southend – because they were in a rush to get home.

The bizarre excuse didn’t wash with unimpressed officers who were out patrolling in the town last night.

They were targeting specific areas in Chalkwell along with members of the Safer Essex Roads team.

A total of 30 vehicles were stopped and checked during the operation, along with two stop searches of pedestrians.

The team also stopped several drivers through the evening, with one claiming they were doing so because they were in a rush to get home.

The revelation was made by officers on the Southend police Facebook page which said: “In total six drivers were stopped for speeding, one driver was 'in a rush to get home after work' this is no excuse for doing 42mph on a 30mph road.

“The team also spoke to members of the public that were out and about in the area who were pleased to see them.

“We're working hard to drive down deaths on our roads.”