A KIDNAPPING victim was left so scarred by the ordeal that he was force to flee his home and move his children into a different school.

His three attackers were jailed on Friday at Basildon Crown Court after he was kidnapped in September 2019 and forced to hand over £20,000 in cash.

The gang ordered him to drive from Benfleet to Stifford Clays after discovering he had the money, from the sale of a property in Thailand, at his parent’s home.

Prosecuting, Callum Munday said: “The victim felt he had to move his family away and move his children’s school as well.

“He says his oldest child asks why he cannot see his friends, and the victim had to lie to the children so he didn’t scare them too much.”

Shorn Charles-Chance, 34, of Wanstead Lane, Ilford, was jailed for seven years and three months after being convicted of kidnap, robbery and blackmail.

Stephen Musgrove, 46, of York Road, Southend, and Karl Curtis, 34, of Sycamore Close, Canvey, were each jailed for five years for charges of kidnap and robbery.

Mitigating for Curtis, Yasin Patel said: “His son wrote a letter pleading with the court to not send his dad to jail. He is working and is the sole carer for the child and also full-time carer for his mother.

“Since the incident he’s turned his life around and changed very much. He also shows remorse.”

Mitigating for Charles-Chance, William Chipperfield told the court the victim was a drug dealer for cannabis and worked with his client to clear debts.

He said: “The victim did not contact police quickly.”

Mitigating for Musgrove, Charles Conway told the hearing his client was a “dogsbody” and was both homeless and penniless at the time of the incident.

He added that Musgrove was vulnerable.

Sentencing the three men, Judge Ian Graham said it was a planned incident.

He said: “There is clear planning from the phone contact and a meeting was set up with Charles Chance and Musgrove in a public place.

“The group found the victim who was forced to take them in his car to his parents’ house. Curtis was not there but the prosecution say he was part of the planning.

All three men knew what they were getting into and the nature of the offences.”