A man has admitted carrying out a series of sexual assaults in south Essex.

Leonard Scamp, 33, had been arrested following incidents on Aveley High Street and in Dacre Crescent on December 6. 

He was also arrested in connection with another sexual assault in Goldsmith, Grays, the following day.

Scamp, of Love Lane, Aveley, was later charged with three counts of sexual assault and, at Basildon Crown Court on Tuesday (March 1), he pleaded guilty to the charges.

He is due to be sentenced at the same court on April 4.

PC Fred Theobald, from Grays CID, said: “No woman should be made to fear their safety while going about their daily business.

“Leonard Scamp has admitted to carrying out three attacks in the space of two days.

“He now faces the prospect of being behind bars for the foreseeable future and Thurrock is a safer place for this.”

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