DRIVERS are being fined when they stop to give way because of over-zealous traffic cameras, it is claimed.

The cameras were introduced last year outside Richmond Avenue Primary School in Shoebury, in a bid to boost road safety.

But Richmond Road residents say that the Southend Council scheme is punishing considerate motorists who pause “for seconds”.

Stuart O’Hara, 53, said: “So many people have been fined when they stop in the middle of the road to let traffic come through.

“I have been speaking with neighbours and people in the street, and so many are affected. It is unfair and over the top.

“The whole community is up in arms about it, I can’t understand how someone who is letting other traffic go past can be fined for it.”

He added: “Lots of people are very angry about it and I have contacted the council about it too.

“A few are fined for stopping for seconds when there is nobody around and it is also over the top.”

Michael Barrett, 62, described the council as “over-zealous”.

He said: “I did not realise how many people were affected by this. I know at least four who have been caught and I know some people are quite angry about it all. When I stopped for about 20 seconds there was nobody about at all.”

A Southend Council spokesman, said: “The pilot scheme introduced outside Richmond Avenue Primary School forms part of the council’s innovative School Streets scheme, which aims to increase the safety of children, staff, parents and local residents.

“The approach at Richmond Avenue Primary School is slightly different, with cameras installed rather than physical road restrictions, and the scheme has been well received by the school community.

“Anyone found to have parked on the school keep clear markings and where children have either got in or out of the vehicle would be issued with a fine.

“The cameras are monitored by trained civil enforcement officers.

“However, anyone who feels that they have been issued a fine incorrectly is encouraged to appeal via the statutory process as indicated on the fine.”