A Hadleigh gym was the scene of a mammoth world record attempt which fell agonisingly short of being broken.

Jack Burgess, 27 and friend Dimas Montoya, 34, were attempting to break the record for the most amount of weight moved via deadlift in 24 hours at Milo Fitness in Hadleigh and fell short of the target which still stands at 500,000kg.

Having started at 9am on Sunday the pair spent the day doing nothing but lifting weights only taking breaks in between sets of no longer than 15 minutes. Realising the record would not be broken by midnight the pair still don’t know the final total of weight moved.

Despite falling short Mr Burgess, who lives on Dawberry Place in South Woodham Ferrers, was pleased they were just able to complete the task despite some tough moments along the way.

He said: “We were going for it each, it wasn’t a group effort. We started off really quick and got past the 50% mark and then we hit a few walls. There’s only a certain amount of music you can take before you can listen to anymore for motivation.

“In our minds we knew at the very least we were going to make it all the way through so there was no option to get tired. The hardest stretch was 5am to 9am, nothing prepares you for it.  

He added: “We were both helping each other out along the way shouting each other on. The world record was always a bonus it was more about completing something inhuman for 24 hours.”

Their efforts were not all for nothing however as the pair used the attempt to raise over £1,600 for charities Children with Cancer UK and ITP research who support patients with platelet disorder.

The former is especially close to Mr Burgess heart as his 8-year-old nephew London, who lives in West Palm Beach, is being treated for his second bout of cancer.  

He added: “It was all about raising as much money as possible really. It’s been a bit of struggle, London is in treatment every Monday with my brother David.

“It’s pretty cool to raise that money.  We just wanted to show people what you can do with the mind and a bit of training.”