A PENSIONER is demanding action after water poured through the walls of her council home over the weekend, following years of leaks and flooding.

Patricia Ross, 74, of Thornton Way, Basildon, says she permanently has to leave towels on her floors in the home to catch the water running down the walls.

Since having Covid, she’s had to have various stays in hospital and fears the mess she will find on her return.

Basildon Council carried out repairs earlier this year, but she claims the problem has persisted.

Ms Ross said: “The leaking walls and roof started in about August 2018 and it’s especially bad when we have heavy rain on and off since.

“The last storm on Saturday - it was terrible. The carpet gets soaking and there’s brown patches and holes in the ceiling.

“When it rains hard, the water seems to find all the little cracks and holes and it runs down the walls.

“I have to leave towels out on the floor and have to change them often so they do not smell bad or get too wet.

“It looks awful and even now the flat is still damp from the rain and storm on Saturday night.

“When I go into hospital, it’s just added stress and I really worry about what will happen while I am not there.”

She said she shouldn’t have to be putting up with it and many workers have visited and told her work needs doing but she said nothing gets done.

She said it really gets her down and she’s still paying her rent but nothing changes. Ms Ross added: “I shouldn’t have to live my life like this, it’s just not on at all. There’s also issued with subsidence and cracks all over the walls.”

A Basildon Council spokesperson said: “We are sorry to hear the problems Ms Ross is experiencing in her home. Roof repairs were carried out in May 2022, and we are arranging our contractor to inspect the roof to investigate any further work that is required.

“Our housing contractor Morgan Sindall is also investigating the nature of the out of hours phone call Ms Ross received, and will address any issues identified with the staff concerned.”