A Rayleigh secondary school has announced its pupils can wear their PE kits in lessons tomorrow and Tuesday as the heatwave is expected to continue.

Leaders at The FitzWimarc School have announced the youngsters can ditch their uniforms as forecasters warn temperatures could hit 40 degrees.

A spokesman for the school said on Facebook: "On Monday July 18 and Tuesday July 19, we will allow all students to wear their school PE kit during all lessons on these days if they prefer. It is not acceptable to wear general sports or summer attire. Students will also be able to wear their normal uniforms with the adaptations described in our letter of July 15."


It comes after earlier this week, Sweyne Park School in Rayleigh informed parents children can wear their PE kits to lessons in the coming days if they feel more comfortable.

In a letter to parents, Katharine Dines, headteacher of Sweyne Park School, said: “Moving forward, next week is predicted to see the temperatures rise further.

“These may well exceed 30 degrees.

“Pupils will, therefore, be allowed to wear their PE kits, if more comfortable and more conducive to effective learning.”