“WARM banks” which offer refuge from freezing winter temperatures could be set up in Southend in response to the cost of living crisis.

School uniform hubs offering parents cheaper alternatives is another initiative proposed by worried councillors to help struggling households with soaring energy bills.

The energy cap increase in October is set to rise to an average of £3,500, with fuel and food costs set to rise sharply.

At a special council meeting on Monday, Southend councillors heard work is already underway to identify how warm refuges could be set up across the city, along with uniform banks in schools to help struggling parents.

The debate was prompted by Matt Dent, Labour councillor for Kursaal ward.

He said: “This winter promises to be a dark and difficult time for people up and down the country including in the city of Southend.

“Many people will be spared the choice between heating and eating because they simply won’t be able to afford either. This is a crisis unprecedented in my lifetime and beyond and one which will affect everyone.”

Mr Dent received cross party support for a working party to be set up to work with the voluntary sector to steer people to the right help Telephone hubs might also be provided so people can contact energy suppliers free of charge to discuss payments and bills.

Ian Gilbert, councillor responsible for economic recovery, regeneration and housing, warned the cost of living crisis was also impacting the council’s ability to provide services.

But he told councillors free school meals would continue to be provided.

He added: “Members have mentioned warm banks and providing places for those who are really struggling with their heating on cold winter days.

“There is already work going on with the voluntary sector to explore what we can do together to provide that resource.”

Peter Wexham, Lib Dem councillor for Leigh, called for council reserves to be used to help residents.

He said: “I’ve always been told they are not there for that, but I don’t know what reserves are for if they are not for emergencies?”