SOUTHEND author Paul Ilett’s latest book is out, and it is a whodunit not to be missed.

The book, Exposed, is a sequel to his debut book Exposé, released in 2014.

His first novel sold more than 35,000 copies worldwide.

Paul explained why his second book has been eight years in the making.

“I took a break from writing after my first novel and then a few other things happened that meant I couldn’t commit the time to writing another book, and this included two years I studied for a master’s degree. But finally, things settled down and I was able to start on book number two,” said Paul.

Paul, 52 lives in Southend with his husband Gerry. The couple have been together for 26 years and have been foster carers for 16 years.

In his new book, Exposed, a serial killer is targeting people connected with salacious right-wing tabloid, the Daily Ear, and journalist Valerie Pierce fears she might be next.

But when no one will believe her, not even the police, so she teams up with her personal nemesis, gay TV actor Adam Jaymes, to catch the killer herself.

“Some characters who featured in my first book return for the sequel, but there are plenty of colourful new characters too including Lucy Strickland, who has become the Daily Ear’s weekly columnist. Lucy uses half-truths and inflammatory language to enrage her readers across a range of topics, and most of that is targeted at minority groups,” he said.

He likes to weave real political events in his books, such as the phone hacking scandal, EU referendum and Donald Trump becoming President.

“What I saw was a frightening lurch to the right in the content of manynational newspapers with journalists using increasingly aggressive and negative rhetoric particularly about vulnerable minority groups. And so, Lucy Strickland personifies that lurch to the right, and the terrible impact that has had on the lives of many communities,” said Paul.

Exposed is available on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Ko