Following articles on the cleanliness of South- end Hospital (March 31 and April 1), I believe it is important to emphasise the steps that have been taken to create a safer, cleaner hospital.

South East Essex Primary Care Trust works closely with hospital staff to ensure the risk of infections for patients are minimised.

The hospital agreed with us the priority would be to clean the high-risk areas first and maintain steady and on-going progress with deep cleaning of the rest of the hospital.

It is disappointing the programme did not complete by March 31, although it is important to note the deep-cleaning of all high-risk areas was completed.

We have invested an additional £240,000 to support deep-cleaning, which will enable a sustained programme to continue in the future.

The hospital has plans to increase the number of modern matrons from eight to 16, to support the development of a cleaner hospital and ensure changes to clinical practice are maintained.

Both the PCT and hospital staff are clear the best way to reduce infections is strict adherence to good basic clinical practice, with hand washing.

We encourage people using health services to question any healthcare worker whether in hospital or the community if they have washed their hands. We also ask visitors to the hospital wash their hands and do not attend the hospital if they are suffering from coughs, colds or other infections.

Andrew Pike
Chief Executive
South East Essex Primary Care Trust