I must take issue with the editor's comment (April 9) stating people at Camp Bling are now rebels without a cause.

As a founder member of Parklife I have met and discussed the reasons for our campaign with hundreds of people. Their support has been outstanding.

A memory of just one event on a cold February night last year, when over 250 people gathered outside the Civic Centre to protest at a full council meeting, will stay with me forever.

When the decision is made to abandon the F5 road widening scheme, Bling will be dismantled and the ground returned to its former condition at no cost to the local taxpayer.

The electors of Southend have an effective voice and very occasionally make themselves heard. Southend Council should take heed.

Sandy Mitchell
Hastings Road

...The comment in the Echo of April 9 has missed one of the main points of the Camp Bling campaign.

This was to prevent the removal of trees and shrubbery from Priory Crescent, which would result from widening the road.

As the council's latest scheme includes the half-baked idea of making the road a dual carriageway as far as Lookers garage, which involves many trees being sacrificed, Camp Bling is still relevant.

It is up to the council to come clean and admit it has not got sufficient funds to meet the Government's requirement to contribute between 20 and 25 per cent of the costs.

When it does, then Camp Bling will have fulfilled its role.

Michael Downer
Scratton Road