A FEARFUL mum claims her family is the victim of a campaign of harassment after a brick was launched at their car, smashing the windscreen.

Hockley resident Amanda Burgess claims she was feeding her seven-year-old son, Tommy Lee, breakfast ahead of the school run on Friday when she heard a loud bang outside.

She went out to see her husband Craig's car had been scratched with a key and the windshield smashed after an object - believed to be a brick - was hurled at it.

Amanda says it is the latest in a long line of incidents, which has also allegedly seen the family dog injured.

She said: "My son is distressed, our family has been through a lot these past two years, his granddad has passed away, and I've been sick.

"We've done nothing wrong."

Amanda says her family have been the victim of harassment since April, and has left her fearful for her own life.

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She added: "We've been harassed for the past few months, and we're fed up with this, I feel awful, it has put down my mental health and it's made me afraid of going outside of the house for months, because I don't know if they're going to jump me.

"I just want this to stop."

Essex Police has confirmed an investigation is underway into reports of criminal damage to a vehicle on Friday around 7am.

The incident occurred outside Amanda's home in Pulpits Close, with a police spokesman adding enquiries are "ongoing and in the early stages."

Rochford councillor Adrian Eves, who represents Hockley, said: "It's despicable that this happened in Hockley there really is no excuse for it.

"I'm quite surprised that this happened in this area, it's usually quiet and free from this sort of trouble.

"People should be able to solve their grievances without resorting to violence and intimidation, it's really unacceptable for this to happen in society.

"I hope whoever is doing this is brought to justice and this woman can finally have some peace."

Anyone with information about the criminal damage is asked to contact police on 101.

You can also give details anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.