Get early bird tickets for the Santa Run in Basildon, the first event in three years.

Wat Tyler Country Park in Basildon will once more be filled with jolly folk in white and red for the Santa Run, set to return on Sunday December 4.

Early Bird ticket registration is now open giving participants the chance to save pounds until the end of October. Entry includes a free Santa suit for adults and for younger participants, a pair of reindeer antlers.

Early Bird tickets cost £12 for adults, £6 for children and a family ticket (two adults, two children)is £30. To sign up visit

Susie May, events fundraiser at Havens Hospices said: “We cannot wait to bring a flash of Christmas cheer back to Wat Tyler Park after a three-year break due to the pandemic.

“There truly isn’t a better way to kick off your festive celebrations with family and friends, you can even bring your dog along! The atmosphere on the day is electric, where participants can soak up the Christmas spirit and most importantly raise money for Essex’s only children’s hospice, Little Havens.

The event is being supported by Basildon-based South Essex Gymnastics club, which trains some of the country’s and Europe’s best gymnasts including Max Whitlock, Georgia-May Fenton and Courtney Tulloch.

There is a choice of either a 2K or 4K to choose from in order to raise vital funds for Little Havens, the charity’s children’s hospice.

Alongside the two fun runs, the big man himself will be inside the Blunts Cottage grotto. There will also be toy sales, Christmas Carols and festive refreshments to enjoy while supporters soak up the Christmassy atmosphere.

Members of the gymnastics club will be running as a team on the day and will be leading the warm-up at the start line to get all the Santas ready for their race.

Cara Mulreany, head of events at the South Essex Gymnastics club, said: “South Essex Gymnastics Club is delighted to support Havens Hospices in its Run Santa Run event this year. The club is proud to support our local community for such a wonderful charity. We can’t wait to get involved with all the fun on the day and hope the event raises as much as possible for children and young people across Essex who need hospice care.”

For those who would rather join in the fun closer to home, a virtual Run Santa Run option is available. Grab some festive fancy dress and complete 2K or 4k either on your own or with family and friends, anytime between December 2 to 9. It’s free to register but the charity asks supporters to fundraise between £25 and £150, depending on how many are participating. A medal will be awarded to those who reach their fundraising target. For more information visit