FREE parking is on offer to shoppers across south Essex as councils look to boost business and encourage residents to flock to town centres in the lead up to Christmas.

Business bosses have welcomed the move as council’s look to help firms that are still recovering from the Covid pandemic, as well as reducing costs for residents battling the cost of living crisis.

In Southend, parking will be free on Sundays for the next three weeks, while prices are also being slashed in car parks owned by Basildon, Castle Point and Rochford councils.

Emma Daddswell, 30, director of Toys n Tuck, on Queens Road, Southend said: “I think it’s great for us and it allows people to do more when in the city centre.

“It’s good for those who are doing a lot of shopping, and we don’t have any parking for long periods very near our shop, so it helps us out.

“It is more convenient for shoppers and businesses. We do see a good effect on our trade when the council does this.

“We will be hoping for a boost to trade this year again but it’s been good for us in recent times.”


Parking will be free in council-owned car parks in Wickford and Billericay from December 19 for two weeks.

In Castle Point all council owned car parks will be free for shoppers every day from December 16 to January 2.

Rochford Council is free parking in its car parks all day on the four Saturdays left before Christmas.

Steven Wakefield, Southend councillor responsible for parking, said: “The Christmas period is important for local traders and that is why we are keen to once again offer our free festive parking on Sundays.

“This offer has proven very popular in recent years, and I am pleased to be able to offer this once again to all councilowned car parks across the city.

“I hope this offer will attract both residents and visitors to the town for their Christmas shopping to help local retailers enjoy a bountiful Christmas after the challenging few years we have faced.”