A MUM has been given just months to live after being urgently rushed into hospital on Boxing Day after losing her sight, hearing and the use of her legs. 

More than £25,000 has been raised in just two days for Rayleigh’s Annie Crouch after a fundraising page was launched by her family and friends. 

The 38-year-old mum has three children with her husband Gary Crouch - seven-year-old Rafe, six-year-old Hattie and two-year-old Dixie. 

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She was diagnosed in October 2021 with triple negative breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes, bones, and liver.

Annie was told at the time that the cancer was terminal and was very aggressive, but a year later she seemed seemed to be doing well.

However, six weeks ago she started to suffer severe headaches, followed by loss of her vision, hearing, then the use of her legs.

After being rushed to hospital on Boxing Day, doctors confirmed the family’s worst fears: the cancer was “tearing through her brain and spine”, and Annie was given no more than three months to live.

Mark Crouch, brother to Gary, and brother-in-law to Annie, told the Echo of the heartbreak the family is facing.

He said: “Life changed from the moment Annie was first diagnosed.

“It is heartbreaking for us all, but we are a good family with a good network, and have all come together to support Annie and Gary.

“Gary is just heartbroken too, but he is strong, and wants to be there for her. As a family we want to make sure Gary and her children will be OK when the time comes.

“Annie is now deaf and blind in one ear and eye, she can’t walk anymore, and she needs 24-hour care. It is devastating.”

Prior to her illness Annie was a senior sister in the paediatric department at the Royal London Hospital.

Gary is self-employed so is currently unable to work while he is caring for Annie.

Mark, who is a firefighter in Southend, is running a charity car wash on Saturday to help raise more funds.

He said: “It is on January 7, from 10am until 2pm, at the fire station on Sutton Road.

The money will allow Gary to spend time with his three children when Annie passes, as well as be with Annie now, which is precious time.”

To donate, visit gofundme.com/f/gary-annie-and-family