A Laindon family was moved into a hotel after a baby developed breathing problems caused by damp in a home.

Francesca Clark, 31 and her partner Andy Coleson, 38, claim their Russell Close flat is “infested with mould”.

It was initially revealed by the Echo on January 23 the boy was hospitalised and the family were in a hotel, with BBC reporting this morning they are still living in the hotel.

The Government department for housing, levelling up and communities has criticised Britain’s biggest housing association, Clarion Housing, over the mouldy flat in Laindon after the child developed breathing difficulties linked to the accommodation, according to BBC Essex.

The parents of the seven month old child say doctors blamed fungus caused by damp. BBC Essex says the mum told them the child sounds like a “heavy smoker” due to his breathing issues.

Clarion Housing told the BBC it moved the family to a hotel as soon as it heard of the baby’s health issues.

Repairs and works are due to be completed in the next fortnight, the housing association told the BBC.


The Government department for housing, levelling up and communities told the BBC the situation is “clearly unacceptable.” It also says Clarion Housing must offer better housing conditions for tenants.

The youngster was taken to Basildon Hospital on Thursday, January 6 where he was kept under observation for 24 hours.

The couple claim doctors told them his illness was caused from living in damp and mouldy conditions.