NEW measures could be launched to clamp down on pavement parking in Southend city centre because current restrictions are not enforceable.

Southend Council bosses are set to launch a consultation over plans to adapt parking restrictions in London Road, stretching from the Queensway roundabout down to the High Street.

As things stand, it is a “restricted parking zone” with parking only permitted in marked bays.

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However, the agenda for next week’s traffic regulation working party has revealed “some parking contraventions cannot legally be enforced, such as pavement parking”. The authority has also found that the existing restrictions do not act as a deterrent to dangerous parking.

Mohammed Naeem, 45, of the Am 2 Pm convenience shop, insisted the issue is preventing him from taking deliveries.

He said: “People keep parking badly around the area and especially around our shop.

“Sometimes we cannot get space for our delivery van to park and the issue of bad parking affects us a lot.


“People park where they shouldn’t and badly for hours at times and we can’t park our van for deliveries.

“It’s been going on a long time now but I do know the council is working on the issue.”

Southend Council’s traffic regulations working party is set to consider a consultation into new plans at a meeting on Monday.

The meeting papers show the council hopes to increase its powers over parking to contribute to highway safety, improve sightlines and to reduce of “pedestrian and vehicle conflicts”.

Paul Collins, Lib Dem vice-chairman of the working party said: “We are trying to control pavement parking effectively in a way that we can control it.

“We are trying to stop irresponsible pavement parking and having a traffic regulation order in place can help that, so we can fine people and hold them to account.

“Businesses and shops tell us it’s a problem and we hope to have a positive impact on the whole area.”

The papers for next week’s meeting state: “Subject to requests received from councillors and members of the public, the existing parking restrictions in London Road (from Queensway roundabout to High Street) are being reviewed. The existing parking restrictions is a ‘restricted parking zone’ with parking in marked bays only.”