A FAMILY is set to move into its third bed and breakfast in three weeks after a fire gutted their home, with the mother suffering “panic attacks” about their future.

Floribeth Peña de Amador, 44, and her family of Woodcutters Avenue, Leigh, say their lives “changed all of a sudden” in the blaze on April 12.

The family had just eaten their breakfast when they smelt smoke and fled their home.

Spanish teacher Mrs Peña de Amador said: “We are moving again next week to another bed and breakfast and are still looking for a place to live.

“We are back to work and our children are back in school too. It is really, really hard at the moment and we feel like we’re dealing with 1,000 things at the same time.

“I do not feel very good at the moment. We hope to have a new home in three weeks time.

“I have panic attacks and a lot of anxiety. I wake up and cry and feel really, really sad. I am struggling and have to go work.

“I’ve had panic attacks at work and it affected my teaching too. I am feeling very up and down.

“The children seem to be doing OK and are back in their routines too.”

She suffered sleepless nights and has been reliving what happened since the fire.

Since then more than £7,000 has been donated online to support the family, and the mother-of-three said the community support has been amazing.

She added: “Everyone’s been helping and it makes us feel so much better.



“It is helping us get through these difficult times and I think without this it would have been much tougher.

“We feel so grateful, thankful and humble too. People have just been amazing and we didn’t expect this at all.”

The online fundraising page has received 262 donations since the fire.

The family is now looking for somewhere to stay with their three children and three dogs.

Fairways Preschool Committee has been sharing lists of clothes and items the family needs on social media, including shoes, jumpers, trousers and more.

To donate see www.gofundme.com/f/ please-help-the-pena-de-amador