A DOTING daughter who lost her father to a brain tumour is channelling her grief by climbing Snowdon. 

Liorah Sockolov’s much-adored father, Michael Sockolov, was thought to have suffered a haemorrhagic stroke when he began forgetting words and his mouth drooped in August 2021.

He was diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma brain tumour four weeks later and underwent a debulking surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy but died seven months after diagnosis, aged 68.

Now Liorah, from Leigh, is preparing to climb Snowdon, known as Yr Wyddfa, with friend Jenny Harrold in his memory.

This will see the pair ascend 1,085 metres on 29 July in aid of the charity Brain Tumour Research.

Liorah, 25, who works as an executive assistant for the Department of Education, said: “I wanted to do something but was grieving and unsure how to go about it, so when Jenny suggested this, I was quick to say ‘yes’.

“Dad liked hiking and had climbed a few mountains in the Lake District. He also wanted to relocate to Llandudno, which is close to Snowden and where he has friends.

“I know he’d be extremely proud of us. One of his best friends also died of a brain tumour at the age of 40, so he’d be thrilled we’re raising money for Brain Tumour Research.

“I’m not really a hiker but I’m looking forward to it. I think it’ll be really emotional, but doing it for the charity will make me feel like I’m doing something for the better. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what I did.”

Michael, a private tutor and retired English and drama teacher, was born in Manchester and had spent time working in a kibbutz in Israel.

He raised Liorah on his own and it was on her insistence that he was reassessed by the stroke team, and his brain tumour discovered.

Liorah said: “My mum left when I was one, so my dad was my sole parent. I’m also an only child and he was absolutely incredible with me. He was the most patient man you could possibly meet, friendly and so kind. He also really used to make me laugh.

“When I was younger, all my friends said ‘I wish I had your dad’. We were inseparable and did everything together. I told him everything but he was always non-judgemental. He was amazing and I don’t know if I’ll ever love anyone as much as him.”

She added: “As a teacher, Dad was particularly literate, so it was strange when he started forgetting words. He also became a little confused and wasn’t able to type a WhatsApp message, which is when I got more concerned. He seemed fine in himself but things escalated quickly and I could see that something wasn’t right."

A scan following Michael’s surgery revealed that he had a second tumour, but his faith in God was so strong he believed he would be healed.

Sadly, he passed away in a care home in April 2022.

Liorah said: “I was grieving the loss of Dad even before he passed away because what was left wasn’t him. I looked after him for about five months, but it was really hard and I still have nightmares about it.

“I tried everything, the Keto diet, cannabis products, other alternative treatments that people recommend, but he declined rapidly and soon became bedbound. It’s horrible to see your loved one like that. I was distraught when he died, but it was almost worse seeing him in that state because it was just too painful to watch.”

She and Jenny are keen to raise at least £2,740 for the charity, which is enough to sponsor a day of research at one of its four Centres of Excellence.

To help Liorah and Jenny reach their fundraising target, visit www.justgiving.com/page/liorah-and-jenny-snowdon-trek-2023.