TIKTOK has become a crucial tool for police to cut off trouble before it starts, as officers trawl through social media to pick up hints on yobs planning large gatherings.

A huge dispersal order is currently in place across Southend - starting yesterday at midday - after Essex Police became aware of large groups planning a “beach party” on Southend seafront.

An increased police presence was in place across the city throughout the day, and senior officers met with the Echo to discuss their plans.

It comes after a large disturbance last week which saw hundreds of teenagers descend on the seafront on the same day as Home Secretary Suella Braverman visited Leigh.

Chief Superintendent Waheed Khan said: “We’ve seen a lot of activity on social media, with TikTok being a prime example.

“On TikTok people have suggested they are coming down and of course we welcome people to come to Southend.

“At the same time we need to make sure they behave responsibly, and you’ll see my officers making sure they provide that balance between encouraging people to attend but at the same time dealing with those that may be here to cause anti-social behaviour or more serious violence.”

Last week’s incident meant traders were forced to close early and the chaos was compared to a “war zone”.

The new dispersal order will cover Southend High Street, Marine Parade, Pier Hill, Western Esplanade and Southend Central Train Station.

If groups do not leave the specified areas when directed by police, they could be arrested.

Officers will have a “significant” presence in the city continuing into the weekend, with Chief Supt Khan speaking about police presence for the rest of summer.

He added: “Throughout the whole summer we have an operation in place to provide enhanced visibility for policing.

“We work in conjunction with Southend Council, British Transport Police and businesses where we discuss what happened in previous weeks and look forward to future weeks.

“That’s an ongoing dialogue and that is to provide reassurance and share information and our plans.

“What you’ll find is that makes residents and traders more comfortable and it means we’ll see a lot more people here for a great day out with no issues.”