A MUM who was “refused payment by her employer and had her role terminated” a year after her daughter was diagnosed with a serious illness is set to deliver her petition to Parliament.

Christina Harris, 45, from Rayleigh, dropped everything to be by her daughter Skye’s side when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in December 2021.

After losing her job, she launched a petition calling for a new law to help safeguard the jobs of parents with severely ill children.

Now she has more than 100,000 signatures and will be delivering the petition to 10 Downing Street on Friday alongside Rayleigh and Wickford MP Mark Francois.

After her initially devastation, the mum has been totally overwhelmed by the response to her petition and struggled to believe how many other parents have been in a similar position.

Christina said: “There is a huge lack of support for parents caring for seriously ill children and I hope that the Government address this issue urgently so no parent has to suffer further pain.

“The support for the petition has been incredible.

“So many parents have been in my shoes and lost their jobs while looking after sick children.

“It just shouldn’t happen and we desperately need to support those parents. I pray my voice is heard.”

Skye was rushed to Great Ormond Street Hospital in December 2021.

The youngster started treatment immediately and within two days she had been under general anaesthetic twice and started chemotherapy on day three.

Christina added: “I quickly learned that there is no law in this country for your employer to keep your job open, should your child be diagnosed with a life threatening or serious illness that requires you to be there 24/7.

“I was caring for my daughter and had no income to cover my bills once her treatment stops. Skye is still in treatment and is due to finish in March 2024, so we still have a long way to go, praying everything will go to plan.”

Skye, who will be 12 in November, is back at school intermittently and is on daily chemotherapy at home.

Christina said: “Working on the petition has been a welcome distraction for me because it is easy to get caught up in the worry. I hope something is done to change the situation for parents and to raise awareness about this important issue.”