A PREGNANT mum has praised her children for springing into action and “saving her life” when she had a seizure at home.

Sophie Telford, 30, was at home in Rayleigh on Thursday when she suffered the seizure in her kitchen and “fell badly and banged her face” leaving her unconscious.

However, her two-year-old son Remy - who has additional needs and is unable to talk - and his sister Evie-May, ten, jumped in to action and ran next door to raise the alarm.

“My son can’t talk properly but he can communicate,” Sophie said, adding that Remy had gone upstairs to tell his sister, Evie-May, 10, that their mother was having a seizure.

Sophie’s mum, Michelle Telford, added: “He tried to say mum and took her downstairs to show her and then Evie ran out and knocked on the neighbour’s door for help.”

Michelle added that Sophie had awoken in a daze from the head injury she sustained, that left her “covered in blood” and with “two black eyes,” unsure of where she was or what was happening.

“Its very scary and you have no idea what’s going to happen to you,” Sophie said, adding that her memory has been badly affected by the accident and she is unsure of every detail or what happened during the seizure.

“I just want him to know what he did, he saved my life really and if I was left, I don’t know what could have happened, I could have blocked my airways.

“He saved my life and he’s only little.”

Sophie added, thankfully, that her unborn baby is safe following a private scan though she claims she was forced to wait in an ambulance alone for four hours before being seen at Southend Hospital.

“I don’t remember anything much, but I was a bit confused, and I don’t remember too much I was freezing. I got home at half one the next morning and the baby is safe," Sophie said.